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The prologue and first chapter of Everything Is Miscellaneous are available in their entirety:

Prologue: Information in Space

Chapter 1: The New Order of Order

Also, ran 4-5 pages on Linnaeus on the occasion of the Old Classifier’s birthday. It’s here, along with an introduction.

31 Responses to “Samples”

  1. on 01 May 2007 at 7:46 amJill Coghlan

    Hi David,
    I was at the Berkman lecture last night and didn’t buy the book, and didn’t know why I was hesitating. But I realized I’d like to be able to read portions of it at a time, and have electronic access to it.

    Isn’t this the “perfect” book to be available electronically?

    Jill Coghlan (J7)
    Data Librarian
    CT State Data Center
    (who is curious how to get sample and financial data to be more comparable in a web-like space, but who asked about Gregory Bateson instead).

  2. on 01 May 2007 at 11:02 pmDavid Weinberger


    I don’t think my book is particularly well-suited to electronic access because it’s a long, continuous read of the sort that people generally don’t want to do on screen as of yet, although it would be nice as an option. Online isn’t an option with this book, however, because I went with the dominant paradigm; this book is for me both a labor of love and a way to make money (I hope).

    Thanks for the Bateson question last night.

  3. on 02 May 2007 at 10:18 pmKeith

    Hi David, Could you please put up a sample? Lots of people on the interwebs like me might buy the book if they could check it out first. There is nothing on Amazon either.

    Also, consider adding a little autobiography?

  4. on 08 May 2007 at 7:37 amJace

    I too went to my local online bookstore ( and found it unavailable. I then tried, a site I’ve previously had a bad experience with, and found it there, but with a direct US$ conversion price.

    I don’t mean to sound cheap, but I think I’ll wait for the paperback edition. A sample would have helped decide if I really ought to plunk Rs 1157.50 on the hardcover.

  5. […] Samples […]

  6. on 15 May 2007 at 1:50 amJace


  7. on 15 May 2007 at 9:34 amSerge Lescouarnec


    Visited your ‘book’ site back in February and kinda forgot about it until today when I noticed a link back from ‘Everything..’ to ‘Serge the Concierge’.

    I will take a look at the excerpts and write something about your new opus possibly today.

    Will you make a book tour stop in New York or New Jersey?
    I would like to attend if you do.

    Take care

    ‘The French Guy from New Jersey’

  8. […] Everything is Miscellaneous » Samples The prologue and first chapter of Everything Is Miscellaneous are available in their entirety (tags: books information socialsoftware networks philosophy data informationarchitecture) […]

  9. on 20 Jun 2007 at 9:30 pmKaptain Kwantity

    It’s cool that we don’t need experts to tell us that a Google search for “American history” gets 750 million hits!

    …because any idiot can see it gets 20 million.

    Great job, idiot.

  10. on 23 Jun 2007 at 4:08 pmDavid Weinberger

    Kaptain, try it with and without quotes.

    And try not being ad hominem.

  11. on 30 Jun 2007 at 11:13 amGlenn Zucman

    Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed your voice and ideas on many Berkman Center podcasts and it’s nice to see this arrive on papyrus.

    I’m the host of Strange Angels, KBCH Radio’s weekly broadcast of interviews:

    Will you be in the Los Angeles area any time in 2007 or so? I’d love to record an interview for broadcast on the show.

  12. on 15 Aug 2007 at 12:13 amTom Lowenhaupt

    I was at the 17th Street Barnes & Noble this evening and standing next to the table at which William Gibson was signing copies of Spook Country. Gibson noticed the woman asking that he sign her copy was using an iPhone and asked if he could take a look. “First one I’ve seen.”

    He asked if he could look inside. She took it back and tried opening it but gave up with a “got me” shrug. Gibson began entering some txt and commented that it did corrections. Then she asked if he’d sign the phone as well as Spook Country. He agreed, turning it over and scrawling a giant William Gibson is black marker.

    A miscellaneous combo that would sell big on ebay I bet.

  13. on 24 Aug 2007 at 1:47 pmCarol

    Tom: That was me. The phone will not be for sale for a very, VERY long time. At least not until iPhone Gen2 arrives…I am still (very carefully and protectedly) using it! ;-)

    Carol Wade, NYC

  14. on 25 Sep 2007 at 12:38 pmJack B. Nimble

    i dont like anything that you write. its all really boring and weird. maybe if you made a movie i would watch that crap.

  15. on 17 Oct 2007 at 5:46 pmHilary

    I just started skimming your first chapter, partially about signage and information finding. Then I navigated away to a different window, and when I wanted to come back, I couldnt figure out which browser window contained your book sample. Turns out it’s because the page is titled “Untitled Document”….

  16. […] 2. David Weinberger: Everything Is Miscellaneous […]

  17. […] primo capitolo di Everything is Miscellaneous è disponibile per la visione online […]

  18. […] Die Macht der neuen digitalen Unordnung” erschienen. Wer möchte, kann sich auch ein paar Auszüge aus dem Buch durchlesen. David Weinberger lehrt am Harvard Berkman Center for the Internet and Society und […]

  19. on 21 Aug 2008 at 4:28 pmAndrea Ong Novak

    I just finished enjoying Everything is Miscellaneous. As David pointed out, it’s definitely a book that needs to be read from start to finish as David sets the framework and vocabulary upfront, without which you might not fully appreciate or even understand the later chapters.

    Thanks, David, for a great experience!

  20. […] (federal employee) is now a clerk and must manage his or her own records. So far, not so good. Weinberger’s vision of collectivist structure and organization seems to break down […]

  21. on 31 Dec 2009 at 5:38 pmNicole L. Schra-Martin

    Mr. Weinberger:

    Recently I cam across some internet information where they where citing some facts you have given on knowledge. One of those facts listed was:

    “The half life of knowledge is the time it takes for knowledge in a specific area to double. UCBerkley has identified that in most areas, the half life of knowledge is approximately 18 – 24 months, meaning that what you know today will only be ½ of what you could know in 18 – 24 months. ”

    Do you have a source for this, how old is this statement and what are of knowledge is it referring to? Different types of knowledge have different life expectancies.

    There is also some talk listed as being from you about the need for people to learn to be learned and not taught. Is that from you? If it is then do you have a source from which this was taken?

  22. […] Everything is Miscellaneous. El tema epistemológico es también el interés de David Weinberger, aunque Weinberger lo trabaja más bien desde el punto de vista de cómo ordenamos los conceptos. Según Weinberger, nuestro entendimiento del ordenamiento de la información en la forma de categorías excluyentes es propio de una sociedad que ordena su información utilizando un espacio físico: como el espacio es finito y tiene una serie de características limitantes para la disposición de las cosas, nos hemos visto obligados a adaptar nuestros esquemas mentales a nuestros esquemas físicos. Nuestras mentes, básicamente, funcionan como archivadores, o como librerías. Pero la web elimina esa condición básica: el espacio se vuelve virtualmente infinito, la cantidad de contenido que almacenar y ordenar también, y no se aplican las mismas limitaciones que tenemos en el espacio físico. De repente nos vemos enfrentados a un mundo en el cual todo puede encajar bajo múltiples categorías al mismo tiempo sin que eso sea un problema, excepto porque se vuelve una inmanejable sobrecarga de información. La solución para Weinberger es contraintuitiva: la solución a la sobrecarga de información es más información, información sobre información, para navegar esta nueva red de conocimiento. La información se vuelve un commodity, y saber navegarla y encontrar lo importante se vuelve la habilidad realmente valiosa. El prólogo y el primer capítulo del libro se encuentran disponibles en su sitio web. […]

  23. on 18 Apr 2011 at 6:07 pmAndrew

    The links to the samples appear to no longer work, is there a way to access the samples? (I do realize I’m about 4 years late to the party.)

  24. on 22 Apr 2011 at 3:54 pmWill

    The sample pages are broken. Can you fix them?

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  30. on 04 Aug 2014 at 12:20 pmEric Briys

    Dear David,

    I truly enjoy your book. It rhymes perfectly with what I am currently doing. I would have a slight disagreement with you though. You say that knowledge has no geography. I think it does but a moving/changing one.

    It does because information has a geometry. If you’re interested I’d be glad to share with you some examples drawn from digital libraries where through machine learning we have been able to “compute” this geography :-)
    Again, your book is indeed a must read.



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