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ClickForensics has launched a network of advertisers to detect fraudulent clicks on ads, either by a competitor trying to burn up the budget or move up in listings, or by contentent publishers looking to make more money for the clicks. It’s done through bots, spyware, click farms, pay-to-read… They say over 20% of the clicks coming from content sites (?) are fraudulent.

Michelle Wu of Social Television (mediaZone) — omigod, I think it’s a woman! — talks about “social tv,” which is professional TV with social interactivity. She’s shows an over-produced promotional video, with the faux-important voice of Robin Leech. Then she pitches. It lets users talk together—chat—while watching professional packaged, long-form TV. It does p2p peering, saving “over 99% bandwidth costs.” It serves ads to users based on their demographics and behavior. [I’m just not convinced that these various platforms we’ve seen today do much more than starting up a chat room while watching TV; that’s what we do for political events we couldn’t otherwise stand to watch.The P2P delivery is interesting, but I’m guessing someone else will solve this problem in a way that catches on, at which point SocialTV doesn’t seem to be much more than a chatroom with ads. Unless I’m missing the point. Again.]

Dave Networks builds “video social communities around brands.” E.g., the Stargate site is a money-making community site.The content developed there can be syndicated. “We’ve created a monetization model for syndication.”

Real Time Content promises a “disruptive approach” that they call Adaptive Media. “Real Time Content, doesn’t just play media, it adapts it to the audience.” Every viewer sees his own TV program. [Well, ad.] It even adapts to the viewer’s mood. In his example, Honda FR-V has four user profiles, although you could have thousands. He creates a thirty second ad in real time for a “young married couple” profile. Then he does one for a socer mom. The first is in Scotland with soothing music and the second features a mom packing kid’s equipment, with spacey music and a voice-over. “We’re empowering the consumer to control the ad.” The ad creator creates the template using a Flash inteface that has metadata for content fragments for mood, demo, etc. [Great. Now we can wait for the blog post titled “My Adaptive Media ads think I’m gay.”]

Jay Hallberg of SpiceWorks does “Ad-supported IT management for SMBs.” If you subscribe, it inventories your network automatically and sets watches on things you want to watch, such as low disk space or low toner. As they do that, they show you ads. [Hmm. Could I be sick of seeing ads? Nah. How could I ever tire of that??] [SpiceWorks may do more than that, but I didn’t hear.] [Tags: ]

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