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Radio Open Source has posted the mp3 of yesterday’s show about everything being miscellaneous, with me, Karen Schneider, and Tim Spalding. Chris being Chris, he drives it more towards than the broad and philosophical than, well, anyone else on radio. And best of all, you can hear me get the name of the author of Moby-Dick wrong! [Tags: ]

2 Responses to “Chris Lydon’s interview posted”

  1. on 02 May 2007 at 11:09 pmlinks for 2007-05-03 « Talkabout

    […] Everything is Miscellaneous ? Blog Archive ? Chris Lydon’s interview posted “Radio Open Source has posted the mp3 of yesterday’s show about everything being miscellaneous, with me, Karen Schneider, and Tim Spalding. Chris being Chris, he drives it more towards than the broad and philosophical than, well, anyone else on radio. And (tags: joho eim book tolisten) […]

  2. on 24 Mar 2008 at 4:49 amCaryn Rich

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