DOEP (Daily Open-Ended Puzzle) (intermittent): Too much meaning
March 11th, 2007 by David Weinberger
Here’s a question I try to answer in the latest issue of my (free) newsletter: If too much information is noise, what’s too much meaning?
In fact, here’s the table of contents of that issue. (Note: The answer I come up with is not good enough to count as a spoiler.)
The abundance of meaning: If too much information is noise, what’s too much meaning? |
[Tags: doep puzzle everything_is_miscellaneous ]
[…] Original post by David Weinberger […]
reading a passable mystery wherein a character is at the movie theater watching “Rashomon” and the projector dies. admission cheerfully refunded, I’m sure… somehow this reminded me of your “abundance of meaning” question.
I’d like to see a movie that explores five different characters’ reaction to Rashomon.