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Archive for July, 2007

Social classification of the universe

GalaxyZoo is a mechanical Turk site that uses the “If everyone classifies just one galaxy…” approach. So far, they have a million done. (Thanks to Timo Hannay for the link.) [Tags: timo_hannay mechanical_turk astronomy science ]

Andrew Keen and me at Supernova

Supernova has posted the video of the session I did with Andrew Keen, author of The Cult of the Amateur. It begins with my 15-minute version of my Everything is Misc talk, followed by Andrew’s more informal opener, and then us discussion whether the Internet is killing culture. [Tags: ]

Wikipedia and the criteria of silliness

There’s a fascinating discussion at Wikipedia about whether lists of loosely associated items should be kept or deleted. in this particular case, a list of song titles that contain first names was deleted.

I don’t feel I have standing to have an opinion — this is a discussion among people who spend a good chunk of their lives building and maintaining Wikipedia — but (nevertheless) I do tend to favor including articles rather than deleting them. Wiki is not paper. As you’ll see in the discussion, there are lots of criteria at play, but some of the arguments for deleting such lists seem to me to be based on a desire to keep Wikipedia dignified. That argument I don’t buy. Other criteria adduced for deleting “silly” lists are far stronger. And in the discussion you get to see Wikipedia continuing to figure itself out through a process of suggesting criteria, interpreting settled criteria, appeals to precedent, and personal persuasion. [Tags: wikipedia encyclopedias everything+is+miscellaneous lists ]

Mark Bower’s summary

In a 4-part series, Mark Bower presents a useful chapter-by-chapter summary of Everything Is Miscellaneous. Thanks, Mark!

Parts 1 2 3 4

His recommendation:

A good read on the whole.  Does a good job of summarizing the information management trends on the web today.  If you are an information architect or consultant working in the field of knowledge management then I would say you should have a copy on your bookshelf.

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