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Archive for May, 2007

Ethanz’s review

Ethan Zuckerman has posted a review of Everything is Miscellaneous. He thinks reading it is like drinking a mojito: Towards the bottom you always end up with leaves in your teeth. Ok, so maybe that wasn’t the point of his metaphor, but Ethan does a great job explaining what the book is about. [Tags: ]

The Freerange Librarian reviews EIM

Karen Schneider, who was one of my favorite librarians even before she reviewed Everything Is Miscellaneous, has posted her review at the American Library Association’s techie site. She says the book is “dangerous.” That’s not an adjective I often (ever?) hear applied to anything I do — I installed a seat-belt on our LazyBoy chair — so I’m just tickled pink.

BostonNOW goes bloggy

Our new local paper, BostonNow, is taking blogs very seriously. See this post for the explanation. The paper is also tagalicious and comment-wild. Could be the start of something good for the city… [Tags: ]

Cory’s review of Miscellaneous

Cory Doctorow’s review of Everything is Miscellaneous at BoingBoing is like the review I daydream about occasionally (= obsessively), except he explains my book better. Thank you, Cory. [Tags: ]

Talking in NYC on Thursday

On Thursday, I’m doing a book talk at the NY Public Library Science, Industry and Business Library, 5:30-7pm (188 Madison Ave. at 34th St.). It’s free and open to the public, of course.

See you there? [Tags: ]

Kissing the forum bye-bye

I’ve decided to de-link the forum I set up (well, actually BradSucks set it up … thanks Brad!) to discuss the book before anyone actually posted to it. I just don’t think people need me to provide a space to talk about my book.

If you disagree, let me know.

The book is published!

Today’s the official pub date of Everything Is Miscellaneous.

In celebration, I took down the notice in the header of this page that the site is beta. It still is beta, or maybe gamma, but it didn’t seem appropriate to say so now that the book is published.


Berkman-Wired podcast series is launched

I’ve recorded a series of interview on topics related to the book with various luminaries. The podcasts are co-sponsored by the Harvard Berkman Center and Wired. The first one is now up. I talk with Cory Doctorow about why explicit metadata goes wrong, and also about what ought to change in the world of law and licenses to let us take advantage of the big pile o’ leaves we’re accumulating.

Coming up in the series (at the rate of about one a week, I believe): Arianna Huffington of HuffingtonPost, Craig Newmark of CraigsList, astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson, Kayak’s Paul English, the BBC’s Richard Sambrook, Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia, and Markos Moulitsas Zuniga of the DailyKos. [Tags: ]

Wired has just posted the first in the Everything Is Miscellaneous series of podcast interviews I’ve done on the topics in my book (which, by the way, was officially published today). The series is co-sponsored by the Berkman Center. (A transcript is also posted.)

The first is with Cory Doctorow, who talks about his Metacrap article about the problems with explicit metadata. I think they’ll be posting one a week at the Wired business blog.

Coming up in the: Arianna Huffington of HuffingtonPost, Craig Newmark of CraigsList, astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson, Kayak’s Paul English, the BBC’s Richard Sambrook, Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia, and Markos Moulitsas Zuniga of the DailyKos. [Tags: ]

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